
Faiz on Faiz
There were
two brothers, Kala and Qadir. No one knows who they
were, but a very small village bearing their name
existed in tehsil Narowal of district Sialkot. Village
Kala Qadir. My father saw the light of day in a
destitute family of this village, a family where, to
conserve the oil, the light of the clay lamp was put out
early in the evening.
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Faiz on Gandhi
The British tradition of announcing the death of a king
is "The king is dead, long live the king!"Nearly 25
years ago, Mahatama Gandhi writing a moving editorial on
the late C.R Das in his exquisite English captioned it
as "Deshbandhu is dead, long live Deshbandhu!" If we
have chosen such a title for our humble tribute...
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Faiz on Jinnah
As we write the Muslims of India and Pakistan are
celebrating the birthday of the Quaid-i-Azam. As the man
who has propelled, guided and controlled the national
policies of nearly hundred million human souls, the man
who has been responsible for the birth of a major State
and the liberation of a major nation from economic...
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Faiz on Partition
It is August 15 today. The dawn that brought this day
into the world also restored to our people their
long-lost freedom. Through many bleak decades of
political serfdom, millions of us have waited and hoped
for this dawn. It has arrived at last and yet, for us in
the Punjab, it is not bright with laughter and buoyant
with song. It is black with...
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Faiz on the 'Faiz Report'
Violating the restriction imposed on his speech (by his
physician), Faiz Sahib had been talking to me for an
hour now. He was to proceed soon for his medical
treatment and I wanted to cover as many subjects as
possible concerning as many issues as I could during our
meeting. Sitting in Begum Majeed Malik's drawing room,
where Alys Faiz had peeped in twice, I was becoming more
convinced that she was not happy with the situation as
was plainly evident from her expression. But she said
nothing to deter or impede the conversation.
After exhausting certain aspects of the subjects related
to literature and the domestic film industry I sought
his views on the cultural affairs of the 'Idarae-Saqa
fate Pakistan'...
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The Lenin Prize oration
Creating words and shaping them in an orderly form is
the vocation of poets and men of letters. But there are
occasions in life when one is left speechless. This is
one such occasion for me; I don't have the
words with which to adequately thank the Lenin Peace
Prize Committee, as well as other Soviet institutions
and friends, for the honour they have conferred upon me.
The Peace Prize is invaluable because it carries Lenin's
honuored and sacred name with it. Lenin is the most
revered standard-bearer of liberty and peace in our
time, peace which is a prerequisite for human life and
its beauty and excellence. I do not find anything in my
life and work which should have made me worthy of this
single honour. However, I can think of one reason: the
fervent yearning for peace and independence which has
motivated me and my colleagues.
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Faiz on problems of cultural planning in Asia, Pakistan
The vast land mass known as Asia encompasses numerous
countries and peoples and the cultural patterns specific
to different lands do not easily yield to broad
generalizations. Thus we have in Asia a number of
Socialist States where cultural planning obviously takes
on a completely different orientation from other
countries operating under a different socio-political
organization. Then there are countries which have
escaped direct foreign colonial domination or occupation
and where the continuity of cultural traditions was not
radically subverted by foreign influences. Lastly, there
is a group to which my country - Pakistan - belongs who
have been only recently liberated after a prolonged era
of subjugation.
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Faiz on Anglo-Pakistanis
Sometime ago we had occasion to refer to the politics of
the Indian Christians. We said that the future of small
national groups was indissolubly linked with that of the
bigger people among whom they were destined to live, and
the sooner they made a choice of their alliances in the
light of the new circumstances that have arisen, the
better it would be. Hesitancy and indecision at this
stage would be as dangerous as lack of political realism
and fanciful wish-fulfillment. The problems of the small
Anglo-Indian minority are very similar. The members of
both these communities will henceforth be the nationals
of two separate...
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Faiz on Baluchistan
On June, 30th the representatives of
Baluchistan consisting of the Shahi Jirga (excluding the
Kalat State nominees) and non-official members of the
Quetta Municipality, will be called upon to record their
vote in favor of joining either of the Constituent
Assemblies. From all indications public opinion in that
Province is overwhelmingly in favor of entering the
Pakistan Constituent Assembly. Only isolated voice are
heard (as one was the other day) the Baluchistan should
negotiate with the Congress as well as the League, and
side with that body which offers the most advantageous
terms. Apart from the fact that any hesitation to choose
between Muslim India and Hindu...
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Faiz on 'Ourselves'
We are a Muslim League paper. We claim to speak for
thirty million Muslims of Northern India who have sworn
allegiance to the Muslim League. Pakistan is the
declared political objective of the party and the people
it represents. While we propose to present the news
objectively and to confine comment to the editorial
columns, we shall use our voice to interpret this
national ideal and to bring it nearer. We believe that
all people have a right to live their own lives and
order their own affairs as they desire in freedom as in
peace. Freedom for one people should not mean
enslavement for another and the liberation for one
national homeland should not involve the subjugation of
the homeland of others. We believe, therefore, that when
political sovereignty devolves once more on the people
inhabiting the Indian subcontinent, both the Hindus and
the Muslims should be free, the Hindus in their
homelands, the Muslims theirs.
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Faiz on division of the Punjab
The division of the Punjab, as demanded, by the Hindus
and Sikhs, has taken place. The formality of
ratification has been performed by the Punjab
Legislative Assembly meeting for the last time. The
Boundary Commission remains and its task of delimiting
the frontiers; but the final boundary line cannot
vitally change the balance of power in the two zones of
the Punjab. In the West the Muslims will still be a huge
majority. In the East, while no single community will
have a complete majority, the Hindus will be the biggest
group, the Muslims second and the Sikhs thirds, the last
two being 34% and 18% respectively. The Congress are
ruminating over the creation of a Haryana Pratn, by the
amalgamation of the 12 districts of the Punjab with
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Editorials by Faiz
Faiz Ahmad Faiz remained Editor-in-Chief of the
"Pakistan Times" from 4th February 1947 to
March 1951-till his arrest by the Government of
Pakistan. The editorials of the newspaper were written
by either Mazhar Ali Khan or Faiz during 47 to
49.However others like Zohair Siddiqui and Ahmad Ali
also joined the team after 49.However some of the
editorials written by Faiz for the years 1947 and 48
have been identified and are being reproduced for the
readers of Viewpointonline. Here we see Faiz as an
intellectual a nationalist with a humanistic vision and
a symbol of hope for the newly born State. In his
editorial dated 4th Feb, 1947 Faiz declares
that "Pakistan Times" is a Muslim League paper and
speaks for 30 million Muslims of the sub- continent.
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Altaf |
Remembrance of Things Past
Our poets have always complained that the world hasn't
cared for them enough. Indifference to poets on part of
the culture at large has been a stock theme of our
poetry. My complaint, if any, has been that I have
received so much affection and kindness, from friends,
from acquaintances, and even from those who hardly knew
me, that I constantly feel that I have done much less
than I should have done to earn all that love. This too
is nothing new. I have had this impression since I was a
child. When I was very young and still at school, I had
this same relationship with classmates and school
fellows. For no reason that I could fathom, they had
somehow decided to treat me as some kind of a leader...
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Faiz Ahmed Faiz |
Drumbeat of departure
Kishwar Nahid, a veteran Urdu poet, feminist and a
progressive writer of our time, known for her courageous
and blatant poetic discourse, resolutely challenges
patriarchal repression of women and inequalities in her
society. Her poetic discourse and her autobiography "Buri
Aurat Ki Katha" narrate a highly candid and honest view
of life and its realities with uncompromising posture of
an outspoken feminist. The two prominent Urdu poets,
Faiz Ahemed Faiz and Kishwar Nahid, who passionately
wrote about the common men and women and inequalities in
their society, represent similar ideological streams in
their poetry and writing. When Faiz passed away on
November 20, 1984, Kishhwar Nahid expressed her profound
sense of grief...
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Qaisar Abbas |
Amongst his people.....
To speak of death is also to speak of life, for death is
part of life and all our references to death are in
terms of life. That is why when we speak of Faiz' death
all we can speak of is a life fully lived. On November
20th, just a day before Faiz' death, I was
talking to Afzal Randhawa, a famous Punjabi writer and
poet from Faisalabad, who had stayed close to Faiz, in
his last days. He had driven Faiz down to his village
and back to Lahore. As the car hit the highway after the
trek through the dirt roads that connected to the
village, Faiz turned to Afzal Randhawa and said: 'You
are right, our villages are distanced from the town by
about five hundred years.'
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Ahmad Salim |